The MammoScreen breakthrough in Breast Cancer Screening

The MammoScreen breakthrough in BC Screening
Barriers of the current screening method for early breast cancer detection
Limited use due to radiation
Because mammography uses X-rays, it cannot be used too often and it is avoided in younger women. At the moment, both the EU Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) and the US Preventive Services Task Force suggest screening only in the range 50-69 years, and younger women are thus excluded from such screening programmes.
MammoScreen aims at demostrating how the introduction of MammoWave, which is totally safe, can widen the age range for screening, allowing the inclusion of younger women with a positive impact on the wellbeing of this neglected group.

High-rate of false positives
False positive results are common in mammography. Most women who are recalled to check abnormal findings do not have BC. The chance of having a false positive result after 1 mammogram ranges from 7-12%, depending on age (younger women are more likely to have a false positive results).
False positive result after 1 mammogram ranges from 7-12%
Younger women are more likely to have a false positive results
Less effective with dense tissue
Currently employed mammography is less likely to find breast tumours in young women, who normally have denser breast tissue. Depending on factors such as breast density, mammography may miss up to 30% of breast cancers in young women and there is currently no solution for safe and early diagnosis for young women.
MammoWave can address this issue, as it has proven to be very effective in the detection of cancer in women with dense breast.

Radiographically occult cancers
Some cancers are too small to be detected or are characterized by little distortions of tissues that current mammography is not able to show (e.g., invasive lobular cancer).
MammoWave relies on an innovative and very sensitive technology that allows for the detection of these types of cancers.

Today’s mammogram equipment applies 19 kg of pressure to the breasts.
Not surprisingly, up to 36% of women refuse to have regular breast screening due to the discomfort and pain.
Besides, women need to expose their brest to the operators, and this might make them feel uncomfortable.
The examination with MammoWave involves no breast compression and is performed with the patient lying in a comfortable facing down position, with the breast (one at a time) positioned in a cup.
It is operator independent and takes only five minutes per breast.
MammoWave allows for a totally discreet examination, improving the compliance of the patient to regular brest screening.
19 kg of pressure to the breasts
Up to 36% of women refuse to have regular breast screening
MammoWave does not apply any pressure and is totally painless
MammoWave can increase patient compliance to regular screening
What are expected benefits of MammoScreen?
MammoScreen will generate evidence regarding the use of MammoWave in BC screening. Expected impacts are many, including:

Women will benefit from safety

More inclusive (no age-limitation)

More comfortable
(no breast compression)

Accessible and accurate BC screening

Health policy makers will have the evidence to review current population-based BC screening programs.
MammoScreen: The answer to a new medical need
MammoScreen is the sole solution currently present that can ensure 100% safe, accurate and comfortable BC screening for all women of all ages by addressing a medical need unmet by traditional mammography.
No X-rays, no breast compression
MammoWave employs microwaves in the range of 1-9 GHz, working at a very low power (1 mW). Considering the Specific Absorption Rate of a typical mobile phone (operating at 100 mW), MammoWave is 100 times safer than mobile phones.
MammoScreen does not use X-rays
It employs microwaves in the range of 1-9 GHz, working at a very low power (1 mW)
MammoScreen is 100 times safer than mobile phones

Safety for all ages
MammoScreen can extend the range of screened women, including younger women (below the age of 50) who could be screened more regularly, without any safety restrictions (such as age and frequency of use) and without any accuracy concerns related to breast density. MammoScreen is the only screening technique that is effective in younger women’s breasts with dense tissue and able to detect all types of breast cancer, allowing high sensitivity and high specificity.
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