Efficiency and multidisciplinarity: The
foundations of the MammoScreen project.

The multidisciplinary structure of MammoScreen is based on flexibility and an efficient management, for an optimal organisation and collaboration among the involved parties.
To achieve the project expected outcomes we devised a governance structure which guarantees an effective implementation of the tasks and a successful engagement of all stakeholders.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of one representative from each MammoScreen partner organisation, and it is the highest decision-making body of the project. It will decide on all major and strategic issues addressed during the project, which will substantially affect the scope, direction and content of the project.


Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences

Short name:




Gianni  D’Errico

Dr. Letizia Pontoriero

Dr. Matteo Gentili


Umbria Bioengineering Technologies S.r.l.

Short name:




Sabatino Tiberi

Dr. Gianluigi Tiberi

Dr. Navid Gavhami

Dr. Banafsheh Khalesi

Alessandra Bigotti

Gianmarco Palomba

Mario Badia


Servicio de Salud de Castilla La Mancha

Short name:




Daniel Álvarez Sánchez-Bayuela

Cristina Romero

Aarón Darío Martínez Gómez


Scuola IMT (Istituzioni, Mercati, Tecnologie) Alti Studi di Lucca

Short name:




Prof. Massimo Riccaboni

Prof. Giorgio Stefano Gnecco

Anisie Uwimane

Ennio Bilancini



Short name:




Tamara Milagre

Vanessa Ferreira

Tatiana Vassilevskaia

Mariana Coutinho

Laura Carreto



Short name:



United Kingdom

Prof. Paul O’Brien

Henry Robinson

Jennifer McDonald

Oscar Petherick

Román Rocha Lawrence

James McMunn

Prof Jennie Wilson

Toby Boud


London South Bank University LBG

Short name:



United Kingdom

Mohammad Ghavami

Mehran Taghipour-Gorjikolaie

Dr. Bilal Khalid

Data and Ethic Advisory Board

The Data and Ethics Advisory Board has been established to provide advice on the ethical conduction of clinical research in humans and the corresponding data use. The board is an independent, consultant body for the ethical issues of the projects and will report to the executive board.

Dr. Nicola Stingelin-Giles

Dr. Emanuele Crocetti

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is composed of external experts with outstanding scientific and/or industrial background and will support the General Assembly in key decisions, providing guidance on scientific, ethical and policy-related aspects while the ultimate decision body is the General Assembly.
More specifically, the SAB is expected to provide guidance on the following topics:

Patient Association

Regulatory aspects

Release of documents, rationales, reports and papers

Other technical/scientific issues

The Scientific Advisory Board is composed of the following experts:

Dr. Fatima Cardoso

Prof. Walter van Dyck

Prof. Massimo Calabrese

Prof. Alberto Tagliafico

Patient Advisory Group

The Patient Advisory Group (PAG) is an external board gathering the representatives of the major national/European patient organizations that will be invited to support MammoScreen and provide guidance on the following topics:

  • Clinical protocol
  • Development of patients’ continuous engagement tools
  • Dissemination and communication strategy

The PAG is chaired by Siobhan Freeney, an internationally recognized and highly enthusiastic patient advocate.

Siobhan Freeny

Knowledge Management Board

The Knowledge Management Board will assess all the outcomes of the project and will advise the partners on the most adequate IP protection strategy. The board will also provide support to all the partners when engaging with third parties for the collaboration to happen in full respect of each other’s IP background and also with a clear understandings about the foreground likely to be produced. The Board, which is participated by one representative per each partner, oversees the following activities:

  • Pre-review of each scientific article prior to the journal submission in order to assess that no interest of any party is jeopardised;
  • Facilitate the IPR management according to the rules established in the Consortium Agreement;
  • Facilitate the dissemination of the project within the scientific community;
  • Facilitate the interaction with the project stakeholders;
  • Facilitate the public engagement for a wider adoption of MammoWave approach throughout Europe;
  • Business amplification: to liaise and support each partner on Business strategy, Business intelligence and any other business-related aspects.

Within MammoScreen TLS clinical Research Team has been involved from the very outset and is providing guidance on:

TLS has also involved its Clinical Study Team with the goal to support all the partners, the Data and Ethics Advisory Board (EAB), the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and Clinical Research Organization (CRO) in the proper implementation of the clinical study. The Clinical Research Team has been established by TLS with the goal to overview the clinical development of TLS multiple research and innovation projects carried out to tackle big health challenges such as cancer, infectious diseases as well as rare and orphan diseases. Within MammoScreen TLS clinical Research Team has been involved from the very outset and is providing guidance on:

  • Identification and selection of the most appropriate CRO;
  • Identifying the Clinical Centers;
  • Definition of the clinical protocol and all the related documents for the proper management of the study;
  • Engagement of the Ethical Committees and review of the documents requested for the assessment and approval of the clinical study,
  • Proper collection and storage of all the study related documentation, in compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards;
  • Overall monitoring of the study;

Identification and selection of the most appropriate CRO

 Identifying the Clinical Centers

Definition of the clinical protocol and all the related documents for the proper management of the study

Engagement of the Ethical Committees and review of the documents requested for the assessment and approval of the clinical study

Proper collection and storage of all the study related documentation, in compliance with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) standards

Overall monitoring of the study

The team has a very interdisciplinary expertise which encompass regulatory aspects, ethical aspects and intellectual property, privacy and data protection.

The team has a very interdisciplinary expertise which encompass regulatory aspects, ethical aspect and intellectual property, privacy and data protection.

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The team has a very interdisciplinary expertise which encompass regulatory aspects, ethical aspect and intellectual property, privacy and data protection.

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