Breast, cervical and colorectal cancers are the most common in Europe but are also the most treatable when detected at an early stage. That is why the EU set the ambitious target of offering screening to 90 % of the population qualifying for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings by 2025. There are many factors that influence people’s willingness and ability to participate in cancer screening programmes, including, for example, lack of awareness, cultural and social stigma or accessibility issues. However, cancer screening is a simple and routine health check that saves lives. Don´t wait, act now – a few minutes can save your life.
We share our top tips to help you take this important step towards your healthcare:
- Learn more about breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening and find out if you are eligible to be offered a screening appointment in your country of residence
- Partner with trusted opinion leaders in your community to dispel myths and address any concerns
- Enquire about mobile clinics, flexible hours, and online scheduling to ensure that you don´t miss important appointments.
We are all partners in the EU Cancer Plan.
Follow the #GetScreenedEU and #EUCancerPlan initiatives on social media for more information.