From patients to clinicians: the focus of co-creating an App

When creating an App, the key to success lies in understanding the basics: who is it for, how does it provide a benefit, and how do we make its use a positive experience?With these pillars in mind, ELAROS started the design and creation process for the MammoScreen App.

The initial step was to design a questionnaire in collaboration with EVITA as part of this outreach, to gain some initial insight into the needs and features that users could potentially want included in the App.

During the design process (highlighted in the picture shown below), ELAROS and EVITA organised workshops targeting the key audience and allowing individuals to offer feedback and suggestions on the proposed design and features of the App. The suggestions and feedback were crucial in the development process and were implemented where possible. Additionally, individual meetings with clinicians were held to allow them the opportunity to share thoughts on the proposed features and design.

Afterwards, the feedback was transformed into tangible ideas, generating a product specification that would cater to the needs of the user whilst still ensuring that it was pleasant to use, look at and listen to.

ELAROS began the initial designs in Figma, a design tool that allows an App to be designed without having to use any coding. A reliable and trusted outsourced App development specialist was then used to aid in the coding process. Each step and design stage had the continuous feedback and approval of the partners EVITA and UBT, as well as the wider MammoScreen consortium.

This workflow created a constantly evolving product that moved closer to the finalised vision of the App. Additionally, patient and public workshops were run throughout the design process, and the generation of a Beta Lite version of the App was used to demonstrate its capabilities, design and plans for further development. The feedback ELAROS received from these meetings was extremely valuable in guiding them towards the final design process.

ELAROS is seeking to refine the Lite app to make it available to download for the public within the year. Through continuous involvement of all the MammoScreen partners, the patients and the public, ELAROS has created something that is fit for purpose: providing detail without being obscure, providing functionality without sacrificing accessibility, and adding value to the users without losing sight of the App’s purpose. The outcome of this process was presented during the Lisbon event.

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