MAMMOSCREEN sponsors 1 PhD fellowship in “Management of Digital Transformation” at IMT Lucca (Italy) – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

The PhD research project will last 3 years and will be carried out in the framework of MAMMOSCREEN project.

MAMMOSCREEN makes available 1 PhD fellowship for a research project entitled “Territorial-based management of patients with cancer” to be carried out at IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, Italy. 

Regarding the research project, the PhD student will concentrate their activities on the theme of new governance models for the territorial-based management of cancer patients.

From a training point of view, the PhD student will attend specialized advanced courses provided by the PhD program of the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca on topics concerning enabling technologies for healthcare 4.0, the management of innovative and digital technologies for health as well as digital transition processes and their effect on the improvement of healthcare services. Where necessary, this training activity can be enriched by additional external courses or by seasonal schools on specialistic topics aimed at developing the research thesis. 

In addition to the courses of a scientific-technological nature, the student will develop soft skills through seminars offered by the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca on the foundations of academic entrepreneurship, the management of intellectual property, communication techniques for dissemination and valorization of research, and critical thinking. The skills acquired will be aimed at developing the research project and training a researcher for his future job placement both in academia and in technical-scientific and managerial roles in public and private companies.

Regarding the research project, the PhD student will concentrate their activities on the transformation of healthcare governance for better managing cancer patients in all phases: primary prevention, treatment, follow-up, and secondary prevention. This research program will tackle the main challenges of health and care in Europe, which is being radically transformed along four main drivers:

  • Improve the health outcomes towards more predictive, preventive, personalized, and participative health;
  • Combination of traditional therapies, immunologic, nutrigenomics, and genomics with digital therapies that can be delivered in settings other than Hospitals;
  • Capacity to gather and process huge datasets to better plan healthcare interventions;
  • The disruption of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Medical Things, augmented reality, and process automatization for better management of cancer patients;


Application Deadline: September 11th 2023

PhD program starts on: November 2nd 2023

Language of the PhD program: English

Duration: 36 months

Read the full job description, admission/evaluation criterias and how to apply HERE.

For questions please contact: 

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